Hello, I'm Yutaki
Meet All My Friends!

-RP Introduction of Yutaki's FFXIV Alternate Characters-

| Yutaki Sonai |
| Raen Au Ra | ♀ | 22 |
| Neutral Good |
| Adrift Wanderer Looking for Purpose |
| Odin | RP & eRP |
RP Hook
"You Seem Lost"

-Personal Data-Birthplace: Kugane
Home: Wherever she is allowed to stay on her travels through Eorzea
Job: Beginning Adventurer
Weapon: Bow and Arrow
Sexuality: Pansexual
-Personality-Likes: Staying in the background, Making her own decisions, Having something to do
Dislikes: Speaking loudly, Her family and past with them, Confined spaces
Strengths: Observant, Good etiquette, Book smarts
Weaknesses: Sheltered, Quick to panic, Easily tired
Hobbies: Seeing new sights, Walks, Learning to fight, Drying flowers
Fears: Having to return to her family
Hopes: Earning money and finding a home in Eorzea
Character Traits: Timid, Quiet, Kind, Careful, Gentle, Naive, Supportive
-Quote-"I... Um... Think that settling down might be the right thing for many... But not for me. I stayed put all my life, now I can't any longer!"-OOC Info-I'm mainly searching for a long-term RP Partner for my shy lizard girl, ideally someone more assertive so we can play off of each other.
However I'm also interested in one-offs, both RP & eRP.
-NSFW Info Link-

| Foetwyn Taufle |
| Seawolf Roegadyn | ♀ | 34 |
| Chaotic Evil |
| Arsonist with a Weakness for Do-Gooders |
| Lich | RP |
(TW Fire)RP Hook
"What's... With That Murderous Look In Your Eyes...?"

-Personal Data-Birthplace: Unknown
Home: The Goblet with her Husband Karl
Job: Thinly Veiled Arsonist (Thaumaturge)
Weapon: Fire! Oh and her Staff...
Sexuality: Asexual & Demiromantic
-Personality-Likes: Fire, Mayhem especially when it's officially sanctioned, Cute idealists
Dislikes: Boredom, People telling her what to do
Strengths: Thinking outside the box, Determination, Calculating risks
Weaknesses: Little empathy, Scaring others with her character, Bad memory
Hobbies: Arson, Learning how to commit better arson, Hanging out with her husband, Adventures and planning them
Fears: Karl getting unnecessarily hurt
Hopes: Probably something with fire...
Character Traits: Unhinged, Rude, Brave, Brilliant, Dangerous, Excitable
-Quote-"You know what would solve all these problems? Arson!"-OOC Info-I pretty much only play her with my best friend's character Karl Taufle, but I'd be up for short one-off RPs.

| Nicolette Collier |
| Midlander Hyur | ♀ | 21 |
| Chaotic Neutral |
| Talkative Girl-Next-Door |
| Lich | RP & eRP |
RP Hook
"You Know Your Way Around Here? I Could Use A Guide"

-Personal Data-Birthplace: Limsa Lominsa
Home: Ul'dah & Limsa Lominsa
Job: Saleswoman for Different Shops
Weapon: Carbuncle that Barely Listens to Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
-Personality-Likes: Sunny days and a cool breeze, Aesthetically pleasing things, Listening in on snippets of conversations, Assertive people
Dislikes: Being scared by someone, Getting dirty, Weak alcohol
Strengths: Selling you things you didn't even think of buying before, Coaxing information out of people, Great spatial memory
Weaknesses: Physically helpless, Can be naive, Very materialistic
Hobbies: Interior design, Humming and singing sea shanties, Styling herself, Drinking after work, Flirting
Fears: Meeting her soulmate when not looking her best
Hopes: Finding a soulmate and buy a house with them
Character Traits: Jovial, Careless, Cheerful, Kind, Romantic, Nosy, Greedy, Naughty
-Quote-"You'll always regret not having tried something more than having tried and failed. Well, no regrets for me!"-OOC Info-Since most of my characters have a lot of baggage I made her as a simple alternative for events and short eRPs.-NSFW Info Link-

| Yutaki Ljot Soarelui |
| Rava Viera | ♀ | 62 |
| Chaotic Good |
| Always Helpful Adventurer |
| Odin | RP & eRP |
RP Hook
"Anyone Here Able To Throw A Good Punch Or Two?"

-Personal Data-Birthplace: Golmore Jungle
Home: Nomadic
Job: Pugilist Adventurer
Weapon: Her Fists
Sexuality: Pansexual
-Personality-Likes: The phase of relaxation after working hard, Musing about everything and nothing, Good food especially sweets, Bustling streets as well as cozy quiet places, Nature, Just being with friends
Dislikes: Cold weather, Having to do nothing when there is work to be done, Cruelty, Willful ignorance
Strengths: Very empathetic, Hard working, Learns quickly, Always hopeful
Weaknesses: No concept of personal space, Can't handle money well, Panics in chaotic situations, Prone to forgetfulness
Hobbies: Learning, Becoming a better fighter, Helping friends with whatever they need, Listening to orchestrions, Wandering and exploring, Self-care and hygiene, Collecting clothes and putting together outfits
Fears: Being estranged from her family when she returns from her travels
Hopes: Learning useful skills to gift to her family
Character Traits: Compassionate, Excitable, Helpful, Skillful, Adventurous, Silly, Energetic, Extroverted, Conscientious, Passionate, Naturally Charming, Affectionate, Indecisive, Naive, Melancholic & Fearful when left alone, Restless, Impatient, Nosy, Overbearing, Very Escapist, Bottling Up the Negative
-Quote-"Teach me something new!"-OOC Info-She is pretty much just my Main as Viera and at the beginning of her journey. What can I say, Viera are cute!-NSFW Info Link-

| Felix Yasret |
| Rava Viera | ♂ | 110 |
| Lawful Neutral |
| Standoffish Traveler |
| Lich | RP & eRP |
RP Hook
"What's a Viera Doing out of the Woods?"

-Personal Data-Birthplace: Golmore Jungle
Home: Nomadic but Mostly in Gridania
Job: None, he is Self-Sustaining
Weapon: Bow & Arrow or Knives
Sexuality: Bisexual & Homoromantic
-Personality-Likes: Silence, Home, Hunting, Woods, Camp fires, Rain
Dislikes: Steel and stone overtaking nature, Nosy people, Himself most of all
Strengths: Stealth, Climbing, Hunting, Observant
Weaknesses: Bad at interpersonal contact, Understanding others, Unwilling to learn from people he doesn't respect
Hobbies: Meditating, Cooking, Wandering, Caring for his family
Fears: Not finding his brother again and thus being unworthy to return home
Hopes: Returning to Golmore fast and hearing the whispers of the forest again
Character Traits: Arrogant, Silent, Cautious, Serious, Snarky, Dependable, Intelligent, Depressed
-Quote-"...Give me the information I want and I might not skin you alive..."-OOC Info-He is out of the Forest against his will, searching for his first student and dear friend Ardell, as such he is very defensive and needs to warm up to your Character first. I search for a long time RP/eRP Partner, in spontaneous RPs it's up to you whether your Character can identify him as male or assumes he is female.-NSFW Info Link-

| Nhozihl'ir Sedara |
| Moon Keeper Miqo'te | ♂ | 26 |
| Chaotic Neutral |
| Everyone's Big Bro. Squabbles & Fights Included! |
| Lich | RP & eRP |
RP Hook
"What's With That Grin...?"

-Personal Data-Birthplace: South Shroud
Home: Traveling Eorzea
Job: Freelance Adventurer
Weapon: Sword
Sexuality: Homosexual & Biromantic
-Personality-Likes: Fun personalities, Busy places, New experiences, The color blue
Dislikes: Quiet times, Resorting to brutality, Being bored
Strengths: Very witty, Reading others, Nimble fingers
Weaknesses: Doesn't know when to shut up, Annoying depending on your temperament, Can't sit still
Hobbies: Teasing others, Swimming, Partying, Banter, Taking care of children
Fears: Sometimes he fears his character can get him into trouble too big to slip out off. Sometimes...
Hopes: Finding a cool adventuring group
Character Traits: Witty, Energetic, Mischievous, Cheerful, Loyal, Courageous, Dishonest, Cruel
-Quote-"Awww, come on, don't pout! A little teasing never hurt anyone! Or did I misjudge you for being stouter than you really are? Mh?"-OOC Info-Of course I need a little troublemaker. For both short and long RPs, as long as you aren't hurt yourself when he makes fun of your character while we write he can be tons of fun!-NSFW Info Link-

| Chichibi Chibi |
| Dunesfolk Lalafell | ♀ | 26 |
| Lawful Good |
| Busy Bee With One Too Many Jobs |
| Lich | RP |
RP Hook
"Whoa, Careful, You Almost Ran Me Over!"

-Personal Data-Birthplace: Ul'dah, Though her Family Traveled all across Eorzea.
Home: The Goblet near Ul'dah
Job: Conjurer, Altruism FC Manager, Repairer, Worker in the Hard Place Orphanage
Weapon: Cane
Sexuality: Bisexual
-Personality-Likes: Helping others, Being liked, Children, Cute things, Coffee and tea
Dislikes: Allergy season, Rude people, Swearing
Strengths: Disciplined, Hard working, Crafty
Weaknesses: Overworks herself, Too focused to see the bigger picture, Can come off as lecturing
Hobbies: Reading romantic novels, Learning new crafts, Saving money, Cleaning
Fears: People secretly hating her
Hopes: Founding her own little repair shop
Character Traits: Doting, Reliable, Friendly, Hard-Working, Helpful, Ambitious, Bossy, Worried, Busy
-Quote-"If you need any help, always feel free to come to me. Even if I can't solve your problems myself I surely know someone who can!"-OOC Info-I don't play as Chichibi very often and if I do it's mostly to give out presents to Sprouts. However I would be interested in her taking care of a son. Preferably one that is much larger than her because that's always fun!

| Pastel Papa |
| Helion Hrothgar | ♂ | 58 |
| Neutral Good |
| His Papa, Her Papa, Everyone's Papa! |
| Lich | RP |
RP Hook
(No Talk Needed, He'll Come To You With Adoption Papers!)

-Personal Data-Birthplace: Ilsabard but he Came to La Noscea at a Very Young Age.
Home: Red Rooster Stead
Job: Farmer
Weapon: Axe in Emergencies
Sexuality: Do you Really Wanna Know that About your Dad?
-Personality-Likes: His children, Comfy clothes, BBQs
Dislikes: Squabbles, Stress, Anything that makes his children sad
Strengths: Can cheer others up, Physically robust, Tower of strength
Weaknesses: Unreasonable anger when someone causes his children grievances, Can't resist a good beer or steak
Hobbies: Adopting children, Making dad jokes, Getting presents for his loved ones
Fears: Disappointing his children
Hopes: Adopting more Children
Character Traits: Dad
-Quote-"You don't have a family?! ...Want me to adopt you?"-OOC Info-As you can tell Pastel Papa is not the most serious character, but I love to play as him when I wanna cheer myself up to go around the Main Cities adopting children giving them presents!

| Giselle Erde |
| Highlander Hyur | ♀ | 30 |
| True Neutral |
| Ditzy Scholar of Fauna |
| Phoenix | RP & eRP |
RP Hook
"I Have Some Problems With The Local Fauna, Got Told You Could Help With That?"

-Personal Data-Birthplace: Ala Mhigo
Home: Gridania
Job: Zoologist
Weapon: Spear
Sexuality: Cupiosexual & Biromantic
-Personality-Likes: Animals, Goofing around, Hearty meals, The color black, Goth aesthetics
Dislikes: Being underestimated, Planning and theoretical work, Serious scholar types
Strengths: Handling animals and monsters, Positive attitude, Great stamina
Weaknesses: Being scatterbrained, Can't act formal
Hobbies: Everything to do with animals, Going on expeditions, Taking care of her dog, Looking goth
Fears: Hurting the animals she handles
Hopes: None, she is happy with her current lifestyle
Character Traits: Ditzy, Energetic, Goofy, Adventurous, Affectionate, Honest, Thoughtless, Touchy, Impulsive
-Quote-"Awwww, look there! Isn't that rat adorable? Ohhh such well kept fur, gimme a few minutes I wanna see if I can pet it..."-OOC Info-Giselle is my cool looking girl that is totally goofy, as I just love that trope! I don't play as her often but wanna change that with some short term RP & eRP partners.-NSFW Info Link-

| Rouquinette "Nette" Selecerre |
| Duskwight Elezen | ♀ | 26 |
| True Neutral |
| Traveling Poetess With A Sharp Tongue |
| Shiva | RP & eRP |
RP Hook
"Want To Hear Of My Adventure? Could Be Inspiration For Your Songs!"

-Personal Data-Birthplace: North Shroud
Home: North Shroud but currently Traveling
Job: Poetess & Minstrel
Weapon: Bow in Emergencies
Sexuality: Bisexual
-Personality-Likes: Stories & Tales, Fine Arts, Music from all around the star, Hot drinks, Witty people
Dislikes: Dull conversations, Uninspired Art, Dirty Places, Inconveniences
Strengths: Sharp wit, Analyzing art and more, Creativity
Weaknesses: Prefers escapism over the real world, Stubborn, Sees many things as beneath her
Hobbies: Writing story and song, Learning instruments, Performing for art appreciating audiences, Reading fiction, Discussing art, Debating
Fears: Getting ridiculed for her art
Hopes: Becoming a well known author
Character Traits: Witty, Creative, Self-disciplined, Eloquent, Neat, Opinionated, Truculent, Pretentious, Insecure
-Quote-"I don't perform for individuals, come see me in the tavern tomorrow evening. We can discuss the other poets there afterwards too, if you are so inclined""I feel like I have changed
Or was it just the world around us?
How easily we become estranged
Our hearts now covered in rust
But still beating, still beating..."
-OOC Info-I'm not much of a word magician myself so I hope I can do a character like Nette justice. Looking for short term RP & eRP partners.-NSFW Info Link-

| E'lias Tia |
| Sun Seeker Miqo'te | ♂ | 21 |
| Neutral Evil |
| Street Cat For Hire |
| Twintania | RP & eRP |
(TW Drugs & Prostitution)RP Hook
"Heard You Would Do Anything For Some Gil"

-Personal Data-Birthplace: Forgotten
Home: Streets of Ul'dah & The Goblet
Job: Thief, Whore, Whatever
Weapon: A Knife
Sexuality: Homosexual & Demiromantic
-Personality-Likes: Holding sway over people, Being high, Teasing others, Discussing theoretical questions
Dislikes: Cold weather, Cold foodstuffs, Prudes, Being told what to do
Strengths: Pain resistance, Sharp wit and tongue, Stealth
Weaknesses: Bad memory, Will do anything for money or drugs, Deranged
Hobbies: Stealing stuff to sell, Seducing others to do something stupid, Collecting automatons and minions
Fears: Whenever he is sober he fears getting high and vice versa
Hopes: He forgot
Character Traits: Independent, Fearless, Persuasive, Clever, Resourceful, Irresponsible, Destructive, Over-emotional, Careless, Delusional
-Quote-"At least be creative with your insults, because at the moment your little tirade says more about your pathetic little brain than it does about me"-OOC Info-E'lias is certainly one of my more eccentric characters and very self-indulgently edgy, please don't judge me too harshly! He got an overdose of an early version of the drug "Bliss" which blew his brain out. He now believes to be dead but still walking, only realizing his delusion when he is sober, which he tries to avoid by any means. Searching for equally broken characters for long running RPs & eRPs.-NSFW Info Link-

| Yeren Avagnar |
| Xaela Au Ra | ♂ | 32 |
| Lawful Evil |
| Dealer In The Underground |
| Zodiark | RP & eRP |
(TW Drugs)RP Hook
"You Are Hard To Find... I Got A Business Proposal"

-Personal Data-Birthplace: Azim Steppe to the Avagnar Tribe
Home: Ul'dah
Job: Apothecary on the surface, in actuality an Underground Black Market for Illegal Drugs
Weapon: His Bodyguards but he can also Protect Himself
Sexuality: Demisexual
-Personality-Likes: An extravagant lifestyle, Good books and stories, Amusing people
Dislikes: Being looked down upon, Wasting time, Scratchy clothes
Strengths: Calculating risks, Alchemy, Physically strong
Weaknesses: Little regard for human life, Impatient, Unfriendly unless he wants something from you
Hobbies: Making new discoveries in the field of alchemy, Decorating his house, Enjoying luxuries
Fears: His operation evoking the ire of other rich Ul'dahns
Hopes: Upholding the current status quo
Character Traits: Organised, Rational, Eloquent, Tough, Skillful, Ruthless, Vain, Cunning, Unfriendly, Quick-tempered
-Quote-"Don't waste my time, straight to the point please"-OOC Info-Despite it not showing anymore Yeren once had good intentions but was willingly warped by materialistic life. I'm not so sure I could write him in longer stories, but one-offs with equally strong-willed characters would be welcome.-NSFW Info Link-

| Aeris Relui |
| Moon Keeper Miqo'te | ♀ | 21 |
| Lawful Neutral |
| Venturing Hearer of the Elementals |
| Twintania | RP & eRP |
RP Hook
"I'm being followed by bad luck. The locals said I must have angered the gods, but also that you can help me with that!"

-Personal Data-Birthplace: East Shroud
Home: Wandering the Black Shroud
Job: Hearer and Healer
Weapon: Elemental Conjuring
Sexuality: Demisexual
-Personality-Likes: Snow, Silence, Nature, Children
Dislikes: Thoughtless or noisy people, Being rushed, Fire
Strengths: Communing with the Elementals, Rational behavior, Reading other's intentions
Weaknesses: Cold and seemingly uncaring, Valuing nature over people
Hobbies: Wandering, Listening to the Whisper of the Elementals, Taking Naps
Fears: Not being able to help heal the Black Shroud
Hopes: Returning the Black Shroud to all it's glory before the Calamity
Character Traits: Pragmatic, Bold, Dependable, Dutiful, Serious, Wrathful, Judgmental, Opinionated
-Quote-"You have angered the Elementals... I shall calm them, but not for your sake."-OOC Info-Aeris is my first very cool, yet terrifying when angered Character in a long time, so I'm looking for short-term RP and eRP partners to further explore how she interacts with others, as this is always out of her comfort zone.-NSFW Info Link-

| Ardell Yasret |
| Rava Veena Mix Viera | ♂ | 82 |
| Chaotic Neutral |
| Fresh off the Boat Adventurer |
| Zodiark | RP & eRP |
RP Hook
"You look like you have no idea where to go or what to do.
Need some help?"

-Personal Data-Birthplace: Golmore Jungle
Home: Wandering Eorzea
Job: None, he is Self-Sustaining
Weapon: A simple Staff
Sexuality: Homosexual
-Personality-Likes: Experiencing new things, His freedom, Stimulating places and people
Dislikes: Being Confined in any way, Being questioned, Most food
Strengths: Eager to help, Very athletic, Quick reactions
Weaknesses: Easily bored, Reckless behavior, Stubborn
Hobbies: Seeing new Sights, Climbing, Talking to everyone, Learning about Technology
Fears: Being found by his master Wood-Warder Felix and being brought back home
Hopes: Seeing all of the world
Character Traits: Adventurous, Giddy, Curious, Sociable, Headstrong, Flippant, Impulsive
-Quote-"Can you teach me about this? Please? Pretty pretty please?"-OOC Info-Ardell fled the forest as soon as he could, as the solitary lifestyle of being a Wood-Warder was not for him, yet to his surprise his friend and master Felix followed after him, intent on bringing him back home. He already evaded the older once and is now traveling Eorzea and it's easy for him to run into any sort of character of yours really, so I'm looking for any kind of RP or eRP really!-NSFW Info Link-

| Mellenye Qalli |
| Xaela Au Ra | ♀ | 30 |
| Neutral Good |
| Freelancing Songstress Traveling the Realm |
| Phoenix | RP & eRP |
RP Hook
"Please, sing for me a song that will mend my broken heart"

-Personal Data-Birthplace: Azim Steppe To The Qalli Tribe
Home: All of Hydaelyn
Job: Songstress
Weapon: Basic Thaumaturgy
Sexuality: Pansexual
-Personality-Likes: Music, Exotic Instruments, Exciting stories, Good company
Dislikes: Loud noises, Being touched, Under-seasoned food, People that do not appreciate music
Strengths: Beautiful expressive singing voice, Making others feel at ease, Elegant movement
Weaknesses: Laziness in everything besides Music, Can only express her true feelings in song, Can come off as arrogant
Hobbies: Everything Music especially Singing, Drinking at a Bar after a long day, Collecting Orchestrion Rolls and Instruments
Fears: Being made fun of for expressing her feelings
Hopes: Singing for big audiences and moving them with her music
Character Traits: Classy, Graceful, Empathetic, Intriguing, Lazy, Reserved, Wasteful
-Quote-"If you are willing I would sing you a song. A song of overcoming despair for where there is life, there is hope."-OOC Info-Mellenye is not very thought out yet and a rather flat character, so to start off I'd enjoy some short-term RPs & eRPs with someone that might have chemistry with her!-NSFW Info Link-

| Mithras Luminen |
| Veena Viera | ♂ | 98 |
| Neutral Good |
| Rather Pessimistic Novice Bodyguard |
| Lich | RP & eRP |
RP Hook
"Heard you offered guarding for gil? I might have a job for you"

-Personal Data-Birthplace: Skatay Range Forest
Home: All of Eorzea's Inns
Job: Bodyguard with focus on shields and eliminating threads fast
Weapon: Grimoire and Carbuncles
Sexuality: Demisexual
-Personality-Likes: Silent Closeness, His two dear friends, Learning the art of Arcanum to become stronger
Dislikes: Everywhere outside of Forests, Arguing or disagreeing with people he likes, Emotional moments
Strengths: Calculating risks, Planning, Observant, Can take care of himself and others, Cherishes life
Weaknesses: Can't express negative or unorthodox emotions, Very trapped in his own thoughts at times, Often very tired, Has allergies for most plants outside his home, Lewd mind
Hobbies: Resting, Reading, Just being with people he loves, Humming
Fears: Anyone he values getting hurt
Hopes: Returning home and settling with his friends one day
Character Traits: Clever, Noble, Loyal, Compassionate, Jealous, Indecisive, Pessimistic, Fragile
-Quote-"Just let me know if you need help. I can't help with everything but for you I'll surely try"-OOC Info-Mithras was made with my two best friends to replay the MSQ, but I love him immensely and would enjoy all kinds of RP & eRP, be they in Eorzea or AUs!-NSFW Info Link-

| Shaina Caoimhe |
| Veena Viera | ♀ | 79 |
| Neutral Evil |
| Self-proclaimed Princess |
| Shiva | RP & eRP |
RP Hook
"Who do you think you are?!"

-Personal Data-Birthplace: Outskirts of the Skatay Range Forest
Home: Ul'dah
Job: Wealthy Heir
Weapon: Despite never admitting to it she can pack a punch
Sexuality: Heterosexual
-Personality-Likes: Being admired, An extravagant lifestyle, Beautiful clothes especially jewelry, Being waited upon
Dislikes: Physical work, Being touched, Everything she deems beneath her
Strengths: Her connections, Elegant and eloquent, Knows Etiquette, Wrapping others around her finger
Weaknesses: No regard for others, Arrogant, Won't do any dirty work
Hobbies: Enjoying luxuries, Reading forbidden tomes, High Society Events, Frequenting the Gold Saucer
Fears: A lower lifestyle since she never had to fend for herself and does not know how to
Hopes: Amassing enough riches to live comfortably for the rest of her life
Character Traits: Witty, Graceful, Refined, Daring, Vain, Dramatic, Lazy, Deceitful
-Quote-"Let them eat Rolanberry Tarts"-OOC Info-Shaina was stolen from her home when she was still very young and when Viera were absolutely uncommon in the world outside their home. She was then sold to the highest bidder, a noble in Ul'dah, who treated her as a trophy and paraded her around. Despite this tragic past she is still a bitch, one who I would love to play in both short- and long-term RPs and eRPs however!-NSFW Info Link-

| Makil'a Relui |
| Moon Keeper Miqo'te | ♂ | 18 |
| Chaotic Evil |
| Dedicated Healer - The more you Hurt the more fun you are to Heal! |
| Alpha | RP & eRP |
RP Hook
"I am hurt... Help...!"

-Personal Data-Birthplace: West Shroud
Home: Wherever there is a particularly bloody Battlefield
Job: Healer
Weapon: Small Budding Wand. He can't use offensive Magic though.
Sexuality: Homosexual
-Personality-Likes: Quiet Nights, Excellent teachers, Following his whims and wants, Staying in the background
Dislikes: Distractions, Connections, His family, Having to sit still
Strengths: His healing skills, Appearing innocent and helpful, Fast learner, Not squeamish in the slightest
Weaknesses: No regard for others, No empathy, Values his skills above the lives of people
Hobbies: Healing and Learning to heal better
Fears: Dying before he learns everything he wants to know
Hopes: Healing and Learning to heal better. Forever.
Character Traits: Calm, Witty, Timid, Excitable, Scheming, Deranged, Obsessive, Cruel
-Quote-"Do not mind the chains. Just let me take care of your wounds..."-OOC Info-Makil'a was cast out from his tribe at a young age, being regarded as cursed. He came to Gridania and was taught the art of conjuring, something he quickly obsessed over. Being deployed to the battlefields of Eorzea at a way too young age he became indifferent to the pain of others, only focusing on learning to become a better healer.
I absolutely adore this character, but he is quite out there, looking for any kinds of short or long term RPs & eRPs for him, though as his character suggests they would not be light in theme. Of course, I am very willing to avoid anything particular that is not liked or triggering, just do not expect happy fluffy stories at first.
-NSFW Info Link-